Story Of the Clever Sailor

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Develop the following outline into a story in about 100 words and add a title to your story. 10

A sailor - lost way in storm struggles in water reaches an island - hungry and thirsty -sees coconut trees - unable to climb finds monkeys on tree tops throws stones at them - monkey imitate throw coconuts at the sailor - food and drink.

The Clever Sailor

A sailor lost his way in a terrible storm at sea. His boat was capsized, and he struggled in the rough waters for hours. Finally, he reached an island. Being exhausted, hungry, and thirsty, he looked around for food and water. He saw tall coconut trees but couldn’t climb them. While thinking of a solution, he noticed monkeys sitting on the treetops. He had an idea. Picking up some stones, he threw them at the monkeys. The monkeys, copying his actions, threw coconuts at him in return. The sailor collected the coconuts, drank their water, ate the flesh, and thanked his cleverness.
