How did the Neat Hard King save the Brahman from the ghost Brahman?, What strategy did the neatherd king use to identify the real Brahman and to expose the ghost?
How did the Neatherd King save the Brahman from the ghost Brahman?, What strategy did the neatherd king use to identify the real Brahman and to expose the ghost?
Answer: The Neatherd King used a clever trick to expose the ghost and identify the real Brahman. He placed a small phial with a narrow neck before both the Brahman and the ghost. He challenged them to enter it.He declared that whoever could enter the phial would be the rightful owner. Knowing that only a supernatural entity could accomplish this, the ghost, unaware of the trick, transformed itself into a small creature and entered the phial. The Neatherd King quickly sealed it, revealing the ghost’s true nature and proving who the real Brahman was.
# What strategy did the neatherd king use to identify the real Brahman and to expose the ghost?
Ans. The neatherd king was very clever and used a tricky strategy to expose the ghost and identify of the real Brahman. He presented a phial with a narrow neck before them and challenged both the Brahman and the ghost to enter it. He declared that whoever could enter the phial would be the rightful owner. The neatherd king knew that it would only be possible for the ghost as it was a supernatural entity. The ghost being unable to realize the tricky mind oft he neatherd king, turned itself into a small creature and entered the phial. Thus it exposed its true nature and the real Brahman was identified.
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