Broad Questions & Answers of Nobel Lecture

Broad Questions & Answers of  Nobel Lecture

By Mother Teresa

1."And she died with a smile on her face" - How did she die with a smile on her face?

One evening, Mother Teresa and her Sisters saved four dying individuals from the street. One of them was in a critical state. Mother tried everything with love to heal her, but she could not survive and passed away with a smile on her face. Mother was astonished by the dignity of the poor woman. She had no regrets about life. She didn’t try to attract Mother’s attention by showing her pain or suffering. Instead, she simply said, “Thank you,” to Mother with a smile and passed away. This experience deeply moved Mother Teresa, and she recognized the greatness of poor people through the dying woman.

2. Narrate the experience Mother Teresa had when there was great difficulty in getting sugar.

Once, Mother Teresa faced a huge challenge in collecting sugar for her home in Kolkata. A little Hindu boy, only four years old, heard about this. He told his parents that he would not eat sugar for three days. He wanted to gather sugar and give it to Mother for her home. After three days, his parents brought him to Mother Teresa’s home. Mother said she had never met the boy before, and the boy couldn’t even say her name properly. But he knew exactly what he had come for—to share his love with the poor children of the home. This extraordinary act deeply touched Mother, and she shared this story with the audience.

3. In what ways does Mother Teresa appeal to the emotions of her audience? What stories does she share of her encounters with the poor in Kolkata?

Mother Teresa touches the emotions of her audience by sharing stories of her encounters with the poor in Kolkata, motivating them to join her noble mission of helping the needy and making the world a place of love and peace.

Mother Teresa tells many heartwarming stories about the poor in Kolkata. One evening, she and her Sisters rescued a dying woman from the street. The woman passed away with a smile on her face, not blaming anyone for her circumstances but expressing gratitude to Mother for helping her. In another similar instance, a man was rescued from a drain, half-eaten by worms, and he also thanked God for dying with the care and love provided by Mother. She also recalls the story of a Hindu mother who, despite her poverty, shared her rice with a Muslim family who was also hungry. Through these touching stories, Mother Teresa wanted to highlight the greatness of the poor.

4. "I had the most extraordinary experience with the Hindu family that had eight children" - Which experience is Mother Teresa speaking of?

In her Nobel Lecture, Mother Teresa speaks of a remarkable experience with a poverty-stricken Hindu family. One day, a man informed her about a Hindu family with eight children who had been starving for a long time. Upon hearing this, Mother immediately went to them with some rice. When she arrived, she was shocked by the family's extreme condition. The children’s eyes lit up at the sight of the rice. However, the mother did something unexpected. She divided the rice into two portions and left with one. When she returned, a curious Mother Teresa asked where she had gone. The woman simply replied that she had gone to give some rice to a Muslim family, as they were also hungry. Mother Teresa was deeply moved by this act of selflessness. This incident showed how, even in the midst of poverty, a mother found joy in sharing.

5. Narrate in your own words the experience of Mother Teresa in an old age home.

Once, Mother Teresa visited an old age home. She was shocked and surprised by what she saw. The residents of the home were looking toward the door, even though they had all the comforts of life. Mother noticed that there were no smiles on their faces. She asked one of the Sisters about the reason for this. The Sister explained that it was almost a daily routine. The elderly residents were waiting for their sons or daughters to visit, but they never came. Perhaps they had been forgotten by their own children. As a result, the elderly people were saddened and hurt. Mother Teresa realized that this was a form of poverty—the heartbreaking lack of love.

6.Why did Mother Teresa say that poor people are great people?

Mother Teresa, in her Nobel Lecture, expresses deep admiration for poor people and praises them as great. She mentions how some poor individuals who visited her spoke about natural family planning, emphasizing that the best way to achieve family planning is through self-control and mutual respect for one another. Mother also recounts the story of a dying poor woman her Sisters rescued from the streets of Calcutta. Despite her suffering, the woman smiled and seemed to thank God for the peace and comfort she found at her deathbed. Mother Teresa observed that poor people live with faith in God, and, in her eyes, the poor are not spiritually impoverished but are rich in heart. Thus, she declared that poor people are great people, as they endure suffering with grace and never complain, embodying the strength and spirit of angels. Despite facing immense poverty and hardship, these people maintain incredible dignity and faith.

7.What is Mother 's observation on abortion? 

Ans : In 'Nobel Lecture ' Mother criticizes the practice of abortion. She regards it as the greatest destroyer of peace.According to Mother Teresa it is a direct war,direct murder by mother herself.Mother quotes from the holy Scripture -"even if a mother could forget her child. I will not forget you.- I have carved you in the palm of my hand".This shows that human beings are carved by God.Obviously abortion is against the will of God.Those who encourage abortion and practise ,simply proved that the children are unwanted. Mother is a lone fighter against abortion. She brings the children to her home with loving care.Thus Mother makes a positive move against abortion. 
