Online Grammar Bank Part -38

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 Online Grammar Bank Part -38


Section A: Simple to Complex (5 Marks)

Convert the following simple sentences into complex sentences:  

1. She admitted her mistake.  

2. He is too weak to walk.  

3. The boy won the prize because of his hard work.  

4. I saw a bird with a broken wing.  

5. The teacher praised the student’s honesty.  

Section B: Complex to Simple (5 Marks) 

Rewrite the following complex sentences as simple sentences:  

1. As he was ill, he could not attend school.  

2. The book that you gave me is very interesting.  

3. If you work hard, you will succeed.  

4. Though he was poor, he was honest.  

5. Since she was tired, she went to bed early.  

Section C: Compound to Simple (3 Marks)

Rewrite the following compound sentences as simple sentences:  

1. He finished his work, and he went home.  

2. She was tired, but she continued to work.  

3. He failed in the exam because he did not study.  

Section D: Compound to Complex (3 Marks)

Rewrite the following compound sentences as complex sentences:  

1. The sun set, and we started our journey.  

2. He is rich, yet he is unhappy.  

3. She was ill, so she could not attend the function.  

Section E: Complex to Compound (4 Marks)

Rewrite the following complex sentences as compound sentences:  

1. If you do not hurry, you will miss the train.  

2. As he was late, he missed the meeting.  

3. Though she was intelligent, she failed the test.  

4. Since it was raining, we stayed indoors.  
