Who informed Laura about the death of Mr. Scott? How did Mr. Scott die? How did Laura react upon receiving the news?
Who informed Laura about the death of Mr. Scott? How did Mr. Scott die? How did Laura react upon receiving the news?
1.Describe the demeanor of Godber's man as he tells the story of the cart-driver's death.
As Godber's man tells the story of the cart-driver's death, he appears excited and seems to enjoy sharing the news. He clearly relishes the attention he is receiving from his audience.
2. How did Mr. Scott die?
Mr. Scott was a cart driver. He drove a cart attached to a horse to deliver things. That morning, his horse was startled by a traction engine at the corner of Hawke Street, causing him to be thrown out and hit his head on the ground, which led to his death.
3. What does Laura want to do after she learns about Mr. Scott's death?
After learning about Mr. Scott's death, Laura wants to stop everything, especially the garden party.
4. Why does Laura want the garden party to be cancelled when she learns about the accident?
Laura is shocked when she learns about the accident. Her first instinct is to cancel the garden party, as she feels it would be too painful for the widow and her five children to hear the joyful music. She believes it would be insensitive to celebrate while their neighbors are suffering.
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