Resemble-take after                                    

Reject-turn down                                                          

Solve-work out                                                                                                       

Publish-bring out                                          

Remember-call up                                                 

 Abolish-do away with 

Interrupt-Break in on                                    

 Confess-admit To                                                        

Seek- ask for

 Compensate- make up                                    

Check-hold in                                                  

 Control-keep down                      

 Agree-Hold with                                            

 Collapse-fall in                                              

Happen/Quarrel-Fall out   

Use/advance/entice-Draw on .                   

Excite-work up                                                       

Maintain-keep up                

Save-lay by                                                     

 Think -make of                                                        

Wear-put on                      

  Search-look for                                               

 Flee-run away                                                        

Distribute-give away        

Discard-Do away with                                  

  Abandon /Leave-Give Up                           

 Read carefully-go through 

To look after/rear -Bring up             

 Explode-Burst into                                                 

Visit -Call on                                         

  To summon -call in                                          

 Organize-Build up                                      

Begin/Start-set in/Set about

Recover/cure-come round                                 

Chase-run after                                             

 Attend to-look after 

Refuse -turn down             

Submit-put in              

To Destroy-tear down

Support-stand up for                                                     

 In search of-looking for 

Quarrel-fall out                                        

  Cause harm to-tell upon              

See -call on        

Obey- carry out           

   Postpone-put off /hold over        

Understand-make out 

Continue-keep on/carry on/go on     

Omit-left out             

Escape-run away/break away 

Examine-look over/through/check up   

Extinguish-blow out/go out      

 Reduce-bring Down/cut down

Require-call for             

 Decrease-Come down             

Attack-fall on/go at                           

 Recover/cure-Get Over/come round       

Reach-Get in             

 Calculate-add up            

Depend -Hang on             

Hate-look down upon        

  Write-take down 

Undertake-Take on            

Withdraw-Take Back             

Affect-tell upon/Act on          

Refuse-Turn Down             

Arrive-Turn Up             

Open/switch on-Turn on 

Turn out –produce            

 Copy-write out               

Emit-give off         

  Increase-go up                                               

     confirm/support-  Bear out                         

    Investigate-look into                

     Remove-take off/blow off                               

  Proceed-Go ahead                                 

  Return –come back/go back                       

 Establish/ Build -set up                                           

   Roam- go about                                        

Consider –look upon                                                

    Express-let out                                               

    Spend-lay out/idle away                    

  Tolerate- put up with/bear with                                      

Surrender-give in

Avoid -keep off

Sacrifice - lay down




