

Change into interrogative sentence. Learn interrogative sentence.

The man acted prudently. (Rewrite the sentence using the noun form of 'prudently' )

Write a report on Plant Tree ,Save Life Programme .

Important Newspaper Report with answer for Higher Secondary Examination ,Newspaper Report for HS examination ./ /Report Writing for HS Examination

Write a report on a blood Donation camp.||Write a report on a blood Donation camp organized by the Star club of you school in about 150 words .

Write a report on a farewell meeting of a retired teacher of your school.

Write a report on Independence Day.|| Write a report on the observance of Independence Day.

Write a report on 'Environment Day'. || Write a report on the observance of the World Environment Day in your school.

Write a report about a Health Check up camp at your school.

Write a report on the celebration of Rabindra Jayanti , 150th Rabindra Jayanti

HS English Grammar Suggestion with Answers-2024