
Bengali Meaning of Asleep In The Valley

Important Grammar with answers for class-x & Class-ix

My parents were widely regarded as an couple.)[Change the voice ]

Short Questions and Answers of the poem The Sea.

Grammar of 'Strong Roots ' with answers. : Narration Change

Grammar of 'Strong Roots ' with answers. : Joining of Sentences

Voice Change of 'Strong Roots ' with answers./Grammar of 'Strong Roots ' with answers.

Use of As soon as . Scarcely ..........when এর ব্যবহার As soon as থাকলে , No sooner ....than এর ব্যবহার As soon as থাকলে, No sooner did........thanএর ব্যবহার As soon as থাকলে , Hardly...whenএর ব্যবহার As soon as থাকলে

Write a notice on " Safe Drive ,Save Life"

Short Questions and answers of The Story of Proserpine

Write a notice on a Free Eye Check-up Camp..

Write a notice on a Health Check Up camp.

Write a letter to your friend telling him/her about your experience in the zoo.