
Change into Simple Sentences .Turn into Simple sentences .Join these sentences using the form of simple sentences .

Turn into complex sentences./Join these sentences.

Write a report on a one-week programme undertaken by your school to clean up the classrooms, the school premises and its surroundings. Mention the roles of both students and teachers. (Word limit: 150 words)

Short questions and answers of "A Day in the Zoo"., Textual Questions and Answers of A Day in the Zoo

Short Questions and Answers of Kari

Short Questions and Answers of "Sultana's Dream"

Write a biography of Virat Kohli using the following points :

Class XI English Suggestion 2024,Last Minute English Suggestion 2024,একাদশ শ্রেণীর ইংরেজি সাজেশন২০২৪

Transformation of Simple ,Complex & Compound.

A Terrible Bus Accident at Dhangora More .ধানগোড়া মোড়ে ভয়াবহ বাস দুর্ঘটনা: আহত ৩

What did the bearded man swear and why? What did the bearded man resolve to do ?What did he promise?What advice did he give to his sons?

Madhyamik English Suggestion 2025, Madhyamik English Suggestion with Answer 2025 By PKG sir