
Madhyamik English Suggestion 2026 with Answer ,উত্তরসহ মাধ্যমিক ইংরেজি সাজেশন 2026

Grammar Bank, Part-36

Grammar Bank Part 35

Social Media

Write a paragraph on "Impacts of mobile phone on student life".

Long Questions and answers of Still I Rise

Discuss the title of the poem Still I Rise

Mario Klarer's An Introduction to Literary Studies provides a framework for analyzing major literary genres, including poetry, fiction, and drama. Below is a synthesis of his perspectives relevant to your topics:

1.Analyze the growth and transformation of Rusty as he navigates adolescence and grapples with questions of identity and belonging./Discuss how Rusty's interactions with other characters, such as his friends Somi and Ranbir, shape his sense of self.

Analysis of Joyce’s Narrative Techniques in Araby

Short Questions and Answers of Araby

Symbolism and Imagery in "Araby"

Important broad Question and answer of The Man Who Wished to be Perfect’ from Folk-Tales of Bengal by Lal Behari Dey